Point: Pee in Your Roommate’s Bed. Counterpoint: Pee in Their Shoes Instead.
As multiple scientists have observed in dogs, peeing on one another and in each other’s close quarters is a sign of love and friendship.
“Don’t Go Outside:” UCPD Releases Official Transportation Policy for First Years
We have the second largest private police force in the world, but until we have the largest it’s really not safe to go outside.
“New Dean” Added to Scav List
"Suggestions from the chair of the committee included the reanimated corpse of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Paul Alivisatos’s evil twin Saul, and the statue of Linne on the Midway."
Opening for Prime Minister Position Posted on Handshake
“For the next Prime Minister, the party wanted someone who was an outsider, who could talk at length on a subject without actually saying anything, and who could work for hours on a…
Value of Pound Drops Drastically in Comparison to Maroon Dollar
"The pound’s strong exchange rate with the Burgundy Dollar and the Crimson Dollar are encouraging, but that its persistent weakness against the Scarlet Dollar, the Carmine Dollar, and the Vermillion Dollar are cause…
Op-Ed: Please Wear Deodorant
Next week, if I put my nose directly into your armpit and it doesn’t smell like Province you're gonna wish you had put on deodorant. Get it?! Capisce? Verstehen Sie?
Meet The Six People You’ll Throw Up On in College
She was funny, smart, gorgeous, everything you could ask for in a future wife. You’d even talked about moving to Massachusetts together, having three kids, getting a mortgage. You’d thought you’d shower her…
Class of 2026 First-Ever to Feature Diplomats’ Kids from All 193 Nations
“Even before stepping foot on campus, this unprecedented group of students has already made their mark.” Dean of Admissions James Nondorf said. “And I mean that literally. We have renamed a lot of…
Seven Signs Your Roommate’s Parents Definitely Have a Wikipedia Page
They use “network” as a verb. “I had a great time with you tonight. How about we reconvene and rendezvous for a little networking sesh at Nobu next week?” This is not a…
First Year Ventures Across the Midway to Get Condom From Office of Safety and Security
“It was a difficult journey across the Midway with lots of treacherous twists and turns,” he said. “However, I have finally been granted a condom. Now I am in search of a partner…