Op-Ed: I Am the Emperor, and I Want Dumplings
Some people are born to eat dumplings fed to them by quaking peasants from a silver platter, and other people are all of you.
Area Man Solves Grain Shortage by Inventing Grain
According to a recent source, Cyde was last seen hoarding the grain and proclaiming it all belonged to him, citing his divine revelation of “social hierarchy.”
Common Proto-Indo-European Phrases to Learn Before Your Trip to Proto-Indo-Europe
“Vqzwj”- This directly translates to “I enjoy eating birdshit.”
Five Code Words Your Teen is Using to Talk About Bootlegging
LMAO (Let’s Make Alcohol Outside)
How to Block Your Ex on Carrier Pigeon
Shoot the pigeons. This one is pretty self explanatory. Dead birds tell no tales, and shooting a few should send a message to others to stay away.
Cavepeople Enjoying Game of Rock, Rock, Stone
"It would be a vast improvement over the classic children’s game of rock, rock, rock."
Scientists Finish Figuring Out Which Berries Kill You
The scientists who have compiled this list have not publicly revealed their methods, but an inside source claims it was done through a highly advanced scientific process known as “trial and error.”
Ye Olde Book Review: The Bible- 7/10, Needs Work
Ultimately, we found that the story is fairly unrealistic, with a deeply unrelatable protagonist “God” isolating the audience from the other characters, which we ultimately come to know and love.
Top 20 Men In Your Village Who Aren’t Your Brother
#13 will shock and impress you!
Meet the Local Cow Named Least Likely to Burn Down City
When reached for comment, O’Leary stated that she was “mighty proud of Betsy” and, now that the cow was newly certified not to be fire-prone, would reward her with a toasty gas lamp…