Rushdie Happy to Have Just Finished NaNoWriMo
Yesterday, Booker Prize Award Winner Salman Rushdie was seen scrambling out of bed in what looked like an unwashed undershirt, which barely covered his belly, throwing on his glasses to crank out the…
Six Ways to Avoid Talking About Impeachment/Hong Kong/Colin Kaepernick/Harvard-Yale/Your Burgeoning Homosexuality This Thanksgiving
Don’t go home. See #1. See #2. See #5. See #4. Pretend you only understand Aramaic now.
How to Get Enough Participation Points to Pass Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving break is upon us, but that doesn’t mean the pressure is off. Here are five great ways to ensure that your participation grade for Thanksgiving dinner is an excellent one: Ask questions…
Thanksgiving Explained by an International Student
So first they roast a turkey, right, and then sometimes they put other birds inside the turkey and roast those too, and they call it a turduckoose or a turchicken or something. And…
A Vague Sense of Dread Based on Your Horoscope
Aries (3/21 – 4/19) Consider that due to that projection of planet you always think is a star on to the star that you always think is the northern star but actually…
UChicago Wifi Ranked #333,333,333 by US News and World Report
The University of Chicago’s wireless internet services have dropped to No. 333,333,333 in U.S. News & World Report’s 2020 ranking of university wireless internet services (colloquially called “WiFi”). The U.S. News rankings take into account connection…
How to Get Your Dick out of the Revolving Door of the Reg
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had a few sleepless nights in this bad boy. And if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably gotten your dick stuck in the revolving door more…
Dean Boyer Just Kinda Hanging Out at FIJI Pledge Event
Students interested in joining the UChicago chapter of Phi Delta Gamma, colloquially known as FIJI, were surprised to find John Boyer, Dean of Students for the College, sitting on a sofa in the…
Mayor Pete Visits IOP, Gets Mistaken for First Year
“Can I help you with something?” asks a concerned staff member as someone resembling a small but well-dressed first year opens the doors to the IOP. “Actually,” the mysterious person replies, “You can.…
UCPD Saves Day, Drives around Block
UCPD officers heroically drove around the block yesterday, according to multiple eyewitness statements. One witness praised when asked for comment: “Yeah, they just make me feel safe. I honestly don’t know what I…