Chicago Shady Dealer

Shortened Quarters

Dear University of Chicago students and faculty members:

We are pleased to inform you that, beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year, quarters will be shortened to 1 week of instruction and 1 week of finals, while summer quarters will be shortened to 2-and-a-half  days. We believe that this change will allow students to fully engage in various internships, creative hobbies, and fraternity parties, benefiting their social lives and mental health by allowing an extended rest period. No changes will be made to the content of any courses. 

Given the shortened periods of instruction, all classes will be extended by 2 hours and meet daily, and the reading period will encompass midnight to 6am on Monday morning of finals week. 

If you have any questions, please contact our Dean of Students.

Thank you for your attention.


Paul Alivisatos


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Andrea Zhou — a self-proclaimed hot chocolate fanatic — is one of our beloved staff writers as well as a deputy copy editor. She has written and edited a number of articles for The Shady Dealer, and aspires to finish college with over a hundred articles under her name.