Apartment Infested with Mugs
By Morgan Pantuck Jan. 16, 2017 When local undergraduate student Mindy Rankin came home from work last Tuesday evening, she knew something was wrong. “I saw two or three mugs on the living…
Op-Ed: Why is Everyone in My Family Thankful for Greg Kinnear?
By Nik Varley Nov. 25, 2016 Don’t get me wrong, I love Thanksgiving. I love getting a break from classes, eating loads of food and spending time with my old friends. However, more…
Admissions Office Announces Exciting New Diversity Initiative
By Philip O’Sullivan Nov. 14, 2016 The University of Chicago Admissions Office recently announced an exciting new diversity initiative, the Opportunity Scholarship, to help increase the diversity of rich and privileged students attending…
Top Ten UChicago Christmas Kinks
By Shira Eisenberg Oct. 26, 2016 Whether you’re home for the holidays or poppin‘ some acid and camping out in Mansueto, here are some sure fire ways to getcha into the Christmas spirit.Whether…
First Years to Skip One Year of Human Interaction with AP Credit
By Baunnee Martinez Oct. 12, 2016 After pressure from the student body for more credit from their AP examinations, the College is now offering Class of 2020 students with 5’s on certain tests…
Dean Ellison Awakens from Week-Long Bender with No Memory of Welcome Letter
By James Reece Aug. 26, 2016 Dean Ellison Awakes from Week Long Bender with No Memory of Welcome LetterThursday, August 25th, 5:16 PMUniversity of Chicago Ddean of StudentAadmissions in the College John ““Jay”…
Op-Ed: Porn is Worse Here
By Ryan Fleishman July 25, 2016 op-ed: porn is worse here Porn. I love it, you love it, we all love porn, but especially me. I love porn the most, so I am…
Campus Circles of Hell
By Nico Aldape and Teddy Zamborsky May 14, 2016 First Circle (Limbo): Your Room Technically, yYour humble abode, ayet another reminder of both sleep and toil, your room cannot be pinned down as…
Why Hillary Is Just Like You #Swag
By Liam Coles May 13, 2016 Hillary Clinton recently has gotten a bad rap about being “cold” and “unhip” with young people, but I am here to remind you that she is just…
GOP Engages Millennials through Hip Hop Musical about Restricting Reproductive Rights
By Katie Zellner April 23, 2016 “Seventeen, seh-seh-seventeen. SB seventeen twenty two.” Thus begins the song “Don’t Abort Her, Sir” from the trendy new musical penned by GOP lobbyist turned lyricist, Vernon White.…