Feb. 6, 2017
Hey guys, you see this? By Aphrodite’s large busty blessing, how are we so lucky?. LOOK AT THIS BIG-G– ASS MOTHERFUCKING HORSE. What do you mean, there’s Greek are Greeks inside? Shut up, Laocoön; go be a nerd somewhere else. , (what a nerd). The only Greeks in this city have been inside Helen, bitch that she is – am I right or am I right as hell? Even if there were any of those weak Greek sons-of-bitches, I sing of arms (except on leg day) and a man (no homo), so their ilk would be unable to best me on the battlefield. Speaking of the battlefield, I’d like to ride a beauty like that really large, possibly hollow, wooden horse into battle. (HOLY SHIT THAT’S A BIG HORSE). Yeah, I love battle, I’m basically Hector 2.0, I got chariots and a bad ass helmet and I could totally 1v1 that directionally-challenged Greek Odysseus. He doesn’t want any of this, bro. Sorry, but can we talk about this GIANT FUCKING HORSE THO? This is the steed a stud like me needs.
I’ve never wanted something, so badly in my entire life. Well, Helen is a fairly close second, but seriously, can I keep it? Do you think Ppapa will let me keep it? Of course, he will. I’ve won all of the battles I’ve ever been in, except that one, but it doesn’t count anyway. Meanie-laus is a cheater anyway, that’s why I stole his girl. Yeah, Mr. Steal-Yo-Girl, I like the sound of that… Anyway, bBack to this BIG WOODEN HORSE, I want it. I’ll ask mother if we can keep this stead in the stables, for more use only. MOOMMMM, DO YOU SEE THIS BIG HORSE? I want it, and papá simply must obtain it for me.