Dec. 31, 2015
According to Shady Dealer reporters, at Bar Night on January 6, y 10th, third-year Lisa D’Angelo thought experimented for the first time with a woman by, as over the course of the evening, D’Angelo theorizedtheorizing what sex would be like with Maimie Lynnfeld, a friend in her Elementary Logic II class.
“I’ve had sex with men all the time,” reports D’Angelo said., “Bbut I was thinking, ‘I’m in college! There will never be a better opportunity to think about having sex with women.’.”
D’Angelo reports that her thought experiment began “innocuously enough”, as she imagined herself having a threesome with Lynnfeld and her on-again off-again boyfriend Chris Stern, but over the course of the night, the hypothetical experience became more and more intimate, as D’Angelo thought about what would happen if she nibbled on Lynnfeld’s ear or neck.
Before beginning the Gedanken experiment, D’Angelo hypothesized that making love to Lynnfeld “would be a positive experience.” ”, and “aAfter imagining three to four hours of sex with Maimie, she came upon the conclusion, “I definitely have a better understanding of what sex with Maimie would be like.”
“It was really cool,” says D’Angelo said. , “In theory, women can relate to other women in a way men cannot, and therefore, they perform theoretical sexual acts that men never think of doing. I bet it’d be pretty awesome in real life.”
Regarding the experience as a whole, D’Angelo recollected on the experience as a whole.
s, “Tthings got a little weird when I started wondering what would happen if Maimie were behaving exactly like a human would in a way that was indistinguishable from an actual human, but were not having conscious experience of our girl-on-girl action, but besides that it was a pretty solid evening of theoretically getting laid.”