10 Negs That’ll Seduce Any HUM Professor
By Jack U. Leighton
Oct. 12, 2016
Nice Diploma, is it real?
Weren’t you wearing that last class?
Aww, that’s really cute. You pout a little when you talk about Ovid.
wearing that to Media Aesthetics is a great example of irony. Thanks! -
Can I get one fucking word in edgewise?
Who taught you Cartesian Dualism and why do they hate you so much?
You have
super …interesting…perspectives on Homer. -
Your dissertation is super wordy.
Sorry I’m late for office hours, I have my own life.
You remind me of my ex who got passed up for tenure.
(Weirdly worded? I kinda like sth more like “You remind me of my high school english teacher” more or sth)