Jan. 4, 2016
1. Emma Steinberg
Emma Steinberg realized that she wanted to be a doctor during her freshman year of college when she volunteered at the local hospital and many of the patients began loudly chantging “EM-MA EM-MA” and crying whenever she left their bedsides instead of cooperating with their primary care physicians.
2. BillyBobby Peterson
Robert “Bobbyilly” Peterson knew that medicine was the right path for him during high school when he touched his classmate’s broken leg and healed it instantly, much to the delight of his friends, family, and the local news.
3. Clare Wolfthal
Clare Wolfthal felt a strong calling to attend medical school ever since third3rd grade. At this young and tender age, Clare spent all her free time in the nurse’s office providing hugs and lollipops to other children suffering from boo– boos and ouchies. Clare was so enthusiastic about helping other kids feel better that she routinely pushed them down flights of stairs in order to generate more injuries for her to treat.
4. Samuel Casarez
Samuel Casarez, son of Dr. Albert Casarez and Dr. Miriam Grove, recognized his passion for medicine as a newborn, when he attempted to give his mother a gynecological exam while he was being born. Post-partum, Dr. and Dr. Casarez looked down to discover that their son’s afterbirth had spelled out “Yyou should be a doctor” in blood on the hospital floor.
5. Becky Hastings
As a developing fetus, Becky Hastings held a dim pre–conscious awareness that as soon as she was born, she would strive to make the world a better place by becoming a cardiologist. She refused to stop kicking the inside of her mother’s womb until her parents placed headphones onto her mother’s abdomen that allowed her to listen to audio recordings from Harvard Medical Sschool detailing the latest research on echocardiography.
6. John Qian
Early genetic testing revealed that the unfertilized ovum which would eventually become John Qian contained the “PREMED” gene that codes for a true desire to heal the sick and care for the wounded. Other eggs lacking this gene only produce pre–meds who attend medical school for selfish reasons; they cannot become true doctors. Other eggs lacking this gene only attend medical school for selfish reasons; they cannot produce true doctors.