
Joe Biden May Have Won the 2020 Election, but I’m Still Addicted to Porn

On Saturday, dreams came true as Biden and Kamala Harris defeated Trump. Now that the Biden-Harris ticket has won, I know the havoc Trump wreaked will soon be over. I know our domestic and foreign policies will no longer be based on bigotry and depraved self-interest. I know that we can all rest our hopes in Kamala and Joe. 

But, I also know I still struggle with pornography addiction. I know each day I will spend countless hours each day glued to my computer screen watching people I’ll never know or truly care about have sex, or do things kind of like sex but that aren’t really sex. I don’t know how to describe it.

With Joe and Kamala, America will have the leaders it needs to begin to take a stand against the discrimination, inequality, and all the other evils that Trump never acknowledged, let alone condemned. America will become more of a home to immigrants and refugees than it has ever been, and the country will do what it can to support and defend those who are most economically and medically vulnerable.

But what will change in my life?

I believe Biden and Harris will take the steps needed to begin containing the pandemic and safely lead us to a point where we could lift quarantine. But will it matter for me if quarantine ends? Locking myself in my bedroom and not being able to form intimate relationships with other people — those were my norm long before any virus took over my life, besides, well like, computer viruses. In a way, you could say I’ve been quarantining since long before COVID began. For years, in fact. For many, many years.

Also if PornHub Premium is no longer free like it was at the beginning of quarantine, then what good will Biden’s tax plan do for me? Between the tax cuts and my monthly subscription fees, I’ll probably just end up breaking even.

Now that Trump is defeated, I’m so glad that I won’t have to see an incredibly sad, depraved man in the White House or every time I open a newspaper. But my problem is — mirrors still exist. Trump may soon be out of politics, thank God, but I will still have to see my own image every time I look up at my reflection. No amount of just or fair democratic practices can make up for that. 

Even if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris heal all of our divisions and finally unite us together, they’ll still be missing one person: me. I’ll be in my bedroom…scrolling through websites.

I mean, celebrating.