Oct. 10, 2016
Gary Johnson (Sleepy Gary)
Originally born in the far-away land of Aleppo, Sleepy Gary was cursed as a child by an evil witch from childhood to fall into a deep slumber. When he awoke, he could not remember his own homeland’s name, and was secreted away to the U.S. Now, he needs the presidency to lead his newfound country and take back what is rightfully his.
Jill Stein (Snow Green)
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most environmentally-conscious one of them all? Snow Green, of course! Together with her band of magical woodland creatures and debt– ridden college students, Snow Green must win the presidency. Or at least, she’ll try.
Hillary Clinton (Chillary)
A frost princess from the nNorthern rRealms, Chillary’s empowering story story is empowering, an empowering one that provingproves proves that you don’t need a man, dozens of wealthy wall-street executives, or the entire DNC to win the Democratic Nomination.
Donald Trump (Trumperella):
Trumperella was devastatedso sad he didn’t have anything to wear to the ball, but luckily, thanks to a small loan of a million dollars from his fairy god father, he could buy the exact dress he wanted! Trumperella danced with the charming Prince prince, Prince Putin, until the clock struck midnight. Running away, he left one token behind: the teensiest little glove in all the kingdom that could only fit his small, shriveled, baby-like hand.