Chicago Shady Dealer

Rebecca Black Graduates From Johns Hopkins With Neuroscience Degree

By Sam Spiegel
May 28, 2013

Rebecca Black, best known for her pop hit “Friday,” has graduated with Johns Hopkins University’s Class of 2013 with a B.S. degree in neuroscience, with honors.

Black, whose meteoric rise to fame in 2011 and supposed lack of talent had experts convinced she would just wind up a coke addict by the age of 18, has proved everybody wrong.

After fading from cultural relevance two years ago, and realizing that her five minutes of fame were up, Black – at the tender age of 13 – dedicated herself to academics. With amazing alacrity, she completed high school and went on to Johns Hopkins,where she has completed all course requirements after only 18 months of study, with a 3.95 GPA.

Though extremely busy preparing her graduation speech while simultaneously coordinating the efforts of a charity she founded last year that focuses on providing food and water to villages in Africa, Black took a moment to tell how she was able to find such success.

“My song, ‘Friday,’ was a changing point in my life,” began the former Youtube sensation. “It was after that I realized that I had to change my life,” continued the young scholar, sitting at her computer and concurrently analyzing the results of a recent experiment she conducted on the cognitive processes of orangutans.

“I was reading Sallust’s wonderful work, Bellum Catalinae, and came across a phrase that could be roughly translated as, ‘For the glory of wealth and beauty is fleeting and perishable; that of the mind is illustrious and immortal.’ It was with that in mind that I chose to dedicate myself to the pursuit of academic excellence.”

After graduation, Black plans to attend Yale University’s M.D.-Ph.D. program.