Nov. 12, 2015
I’ve let this go on for long enough, Pat. I know you’re just jacking off in your room.
I’m not buying the “sexile” routine again. You really think you’re being furtive about it saying “sorry bro, you gotta sleep in the lounge tonight,”, but you’re not sly at all. Every time I request to meet your “lover,”, I hear some excuse about her being busy at a family reunion. You’ve used this excuse twice, Patrick. No normal family has two reunions in six weeks.
This “chick” does not even have a name. She is referred to, exclusively, by the term “Halloween girl.”. I know you did not hook up with anybody at that holiday party because. I drove you home as you cried about not hooking up with anybody. You are not making love to a Halloween girl – you are forcibly rubbing your penis until you ejaculate.
But the most damning piece of evidence is when I caught you in your room. I walked in, and you ducked under your covers and pretended to be two people making love. I’m not six. I know your “lady voice.”, I’m not the fuckin’ coyote in the Roadrunner cartoons.
Honestly, I’m kind of disgusted. I knocked on your door five times one night, and every single time you just groaned “fuckin’ but she’s being quiet!”. I do not know why you need to spend a whole night making your penis eject semen, but; it saddens my heart that you must kick me out for so long in order to do so.
I’m not letting this go on any longer. I am walking into theyour room right now., You have two options:. you can either not masturbate or you can masturbate. If you must masturbate, masturbate in front of me.