Oct. 10, 2016
A lLocal area Chicago nerd began his annual preparations for pretending to keep up with baseball for the upcoming World Series this year. The nerd, who earlier in the year was reportedly reportedly was under the impression Derek Jeter still played baseball, attempted to put extra effort into appearing to be a casual follower of baseball to make up for the increased talk about the Cubs and World Series.
Friends and coworkers say they are especially impressed with the effort put in this year. “I can tell he actually read up on the Cubs and some-other-team-whose-name-he-forgot-but-that-one-player-is-like-super-good while talking to me, not just the Cubs as opposed to years past” remarked one friend.
“I could really see the effort when he tried to hold a 3 minute conversation consisting solely of the one Sports Center article he read about the Cubs and ‘that one really good player’” reported his father, who said he was slightly less disappointed in his son this year.
Reports indicate however the nerd is still predicting the Cubs and Dodgers going to head to head for the World Series this year when asked, woefully ignorant to the basic structure of Major League Baseball.