Chicago Shady Dealer

Let’s Talk Honestly About Women’s Body Image Issues

By Anna Newport
Nov. 17, 2015

Since the brink of modernity, we have made great strides in dealing with women’s body image issues — Spanx, the color black, Retinol cream. But Lladies, can’t we talk openly about how much further we still have to go?

AWe are we surfing the Third Wave right now but still have no cure for the egregious mono-kini tan line?

I’ll be upfront about my own struggle. I won’t sugar coat things. Take last Friday night when I tried to properly perform my gender and hide the instability of self for Marco, the hunky male form who wanted to take me salsa dancing. But my new Rembrandt’s Raucous Trollop Moisturizer™ gave me a rash. Ladies this cannot be tolerated in the 21st century.

“Performance is not a singular ‘act’ or event, but a ritualized production, a ritual reiterated under and through constraint,” wrotesays Judith Butler in Bodies That Matter. All I am saying is that I want my body to matter, and I bet you want your body to matter too. But if we are constrained by inadequate material resources for our ritualized production of womanhood, how can we expect to achieve hydrated skin, plumped lips, and a crisp landing strip all before our 66six6 o’clock dates?

Am I the only one that feels that modern so-called progressive society forgets about us women? If society can churn out cars that drive themselves, where is the drug-store DIY botox kit? If technology can project those imaginary yellow first-down lines on football broadcasts, where is the leave-in conditioner that actually cures sex hair?

Let’s make the male want to gaze at us! Let’s make the male privileged to see us! Ladies, this all starts with some straight talk and a hard, honest look at ourselves, ideally in a slimming mirror.