Aug. 18, 2017
Let me just say right here and now that I’m not taking any crap from anyone on this. No, I don’t have cCeliac disease (there, I said it——are you happy, Mom?). But so what? Just exactly how does my not having cCeliac disease preclude me from being susceptible to any number of impossible-to-diagnose wheat sensitivities? Besides, it is my right to decide to completely eliminate gluten from my diet without first showing everyone a note from my doctor—maybe I just don’t like the sound of the word “gluten.” And anyway, what’s it to all of you? Are you wheat farmers? Do you own shares in General Mills? Just climb off my back! If you want to spend your days eating heaping bowls of farina and stuffing cronuts and naan down your gullets, be my guest, but you can count me out.