Nov. 13, 2016
Have you ever had a wonderful conversation with someone special over Tinder, and then set up a date at a local café? Did you meet up with your date, only to realize that she lookeds different than her profile photo? That girl wasisn’t thea 5’9“ Brazilian Bombshell with a banking job you expected, but Danny DeVito in dDrag! You are not alone:: thousands of men and women are tricked into dates by Danny DeVito dressed as a woman each day. Here are some telltale signs to spot out Danny DeVito before it’s too late.
1. She asks to go to an amusement park with you
Danny DeVito is quite short. So short, in fact, that he cannot ride the roller coasters at amusement parks without an accompanying adult. If a Tinder date asks to go to Six Flags, there is a real chance that your date is secretly Danny DeVito trying to access Kingda Ka.
2. She constantly uses Danny DeVito Reaction Gifs
Danny DeVito is a vain creature, and loves nothing more than communicating using images of himself under the guise of a completely different person. Receiving two DeVito gifs in a row is a guaranteed sign of our short friend Danny.
3. Her name is Dani
While Danny DeVito is a scheming devil, he is also rife with sloth. Therefore, he consistently uses the name Daniela Delito during his catfishing ventures, which he shortens to Dani. If you ask your date to spell her name and she accidentally types Danny, you are talking to Danny DeVito.
4. She recommends buying the box set of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Danny DeVito is known and loved by all, and is a staple of pop culture. However, he has spent his money liberally over the years, and is now in desperate need of cash. He will use his fake Tinder accounts to constantly shill It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Blu-Ray sets and Frank Reynolds merchandise.
5. Her profile picture is Danny DeVito in drag
Danny Devito is a trained master in the arts of makeup and feminine mystique, and when he dons a Versace dress and poses for camera, he looks like the most beautiful womanwomaen in the world. If you have a trained eye and the blessing of the gods, you might be able to pierce through DeVito’s deception. Good luck.