How Subtly Do You Flirt with Your TA?
By Morgan Pantuck
Nov. 9, 2015
1. You run into your TA in Ex Libris. You:
2. Your TA drops a piece of chalk on the floor. You:
3. Your TA answers your panicked email at 1:00AM the night before a big exam. You respond:
4. Your TA mentions that they love chocolate. You:
5. Your TA writes “G g reat J j ob!” on your homework. You spend the rest of class doodling:
Mostly A’s: You’re a very shy, subtle flirter. Don’t worry, they’ll notice you one day!
Mostly B’s: You’re a friendly, out-going flirter. The perfect balance!
Mostly C’s: W
Mostly D’s: You are either having sex with your TA right now, or legally forbidden from coming within 100 yards of them or their property. Nice!