Feb. 18, 2016
Like most fraternities on campus, PsiU’s Friday night party “90’s” themed party forced guys to pay $5 at the door, while girls got in for free. Howeverver, the fraternity differentiated itself from other campus fraternities inwith a press release sent out by the brothers on Saturday morning, which clarified the purpose of the policy.
“Despite what is normally perceived, the ‘“$5 for guys policy‘” had nothing to do with maintaining a good gender ratio in the party,” stated Jamie Gorman. “Instead, it was a way to correct for the pay gap that exists between men and women in countless jobs across America, a product of the systemic sexism that plagues the country..”
Gorman continued that one of the brothers, Ron Stamos, learned about the issue of income inequality in his Eeconomics of Wwomen class. Stamos said, “I originally took the class to pick up chicks but was stunned to learn that women earn on average 7582 cents to each dollar a man makes. Once I knew this, I had to do something to rectify it. After bringing it up in chapter, the guys and I agreed that charging guys at the door was the most logical way to fight gender discrimination!”
Still, the brothers felt unsatisfied. Gorman explained, “The pay gap also exists for race, disability, sexuality, and religion.! In the future, we might charge at the door on a sliding scale depending on privilege.” The brother‘s encouraged We are open any suggestions on how towe can make theirour parties as social justice oriented as possible.”