Oct. 14, 2016
When you’re meeting people ina college, it’s important to make a splash. O-Wweek is a time to show people who you really are, and establish yourself as a presence on campus. One of the best ways to do this is to pick a creative place to vomit that showcases your fun, quirky personality. Don’t be some joe-schmo who comes back from a frat party and yarfs in a toilet; use this list to ensure that your throw ups make a great first impression!
1. Water Fountain – Throwing up in your floor’s water fountain is a strong, bold choice that demonstrates you’re not afraid to be yourself. You won’t let your hall mates’ expectations – or their need to drink water – stop you from expressing yourself the way you want to. After a vomit this flashy, you can bet that everyone will be talking about it the next day.
2. Study Room – College academics can be competitive, and nothing says that you mean business like tossing your cookies all over your house’s study room. Don’t be afraid to show your brainpower and let everyone know that even when you’re piss-drunk, you can still think about studying.
3. Friend – Nothing brings people together like drunkenly covering each other with vomit. If you think you and your O-Week bestie are ready for that next level, try moving things forward by throwing up on them. If you pass out right afterwards, you don’t even have to help them clean it up! Win-Win.
4. Washing Machine – Let your freak flag fly by letting loose directly into one of your building’s washing machines. While they might be shocked at first, your housemates will respect your creativity and come to envy your fearless attitude. Make sure that that the washer isn’t filled with your clothes, though; vomit can be a real trick to get out.
5. RH’s Child – It’s never too early to learn that if you’re not careful, you’re going to end up covered in vomit.