Chicago Shady Dealer

Exclusive: The Negotiation Over the Wall

By Adam Lowinger
Feb. 1, 2017

Of all of President Trump’s campaign promises, the most talked about is his proposed border wall with Mexico. However, Trump’s promise that Mexico will pay for the wall has led to conflict with Mexican officials. With the executive order for the wall’s construction passed, Trump is in negotiation with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto over the issue of payment. The Shady Dealer managed to get a hold of some of the emails between the two parties:

Trump: Mr. Nieto, it seems America, God’s greatest country, has spoken. The people, the best people by the way, want a wall. When will you pay?

Nieto: Never

Trump: Do you really want to challenge the will of our amazing military? Do you think Mexico can beat the new Trump economy once I fix it?

Nieto: Are you aware, Mr. Trump, that we are a sovereign nation with no obligation to the United States? Both our nations are members of multinational institutions that will treat this threat, should you be able to pull it off, as an act of war. Your “great military” is no contest compared to the will of the rest of the (decent) world.

Trump: Those institutions are a bunch of loser nations. You and the rest need to realize that from now on its AMERICA FIRST.

Nieto: No. That is not going to happen. Also, are you aware this is email? You don’t have to stay under 140 characters.

Trump: Of course, I knew that! No one knows more than me.  We’ll discuss your payment plan when you visit the United States.

Nieto: Do you really assume I’m still going to dignify this foolishness with a visit? You must be (Not translated do to extreme language).

Trump: Just send me a venmo then.

The negotiations did not recover from this point.