Editorial: It is a good idea for us to invade Afghanistan
By Various
Feb. 4, 2013
It is a Good Idea for Us to Invade Afghanistan
By Raymond Aloysius Chatterton III
1838 – Afghanistan will be the next step in the glorious expansion of the British Empire. The country is made up mostly of primitive tribes scattered around the hills, and once we bring the poppy industry under our control, we’ll have the whole country nation in our grasp. There is no way this can possibly go wrong.
It is a Good Idea for Us to Invade Afghanistan
By Boris Tereschenko
1979 – Afghanistan will bethe next step in glorious expansion of United Soviet Socialist Republic. The country is made up mostly of primitive tribes scattered around the hills, and once we bring the poppy industry under our control, we’ll have the whole country in our grasp. There is no way this can possibly go wrong.
It is a Good Idea for Us to Invade Afghanistan
By Karl Rove
2001 – Afghanistan will be the next step in the glorious expansion of the United States of America. The country is made up mostly of primitive tribes scattered around the hills, and once we bring the poppy industry under our control, we’ll have the whole country in our grasp. There is no way this can possibly go wrong.