Chicago Shady Dealer

Open Forum on Accessibility To Be Held In Rockefeller Tower

By Stephen Lurie
May 27, 2013

Following increased campus pressure for improved disability services, the University administration announced on Tuesday an open forum on campus accessibility issues, to be held in the tower of Rockefeller Chapel. Announced in a four-point font email from Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services, Karen Warren Coleman, the open forum is set to take place in the “Cozy Carilloneur’s Room” in the Rockefeller tower, at the top of the tightly winding spiral staircase. The room is set to inclusively accommodate around 15 students. The discussion, entitled “Scaling the Ladder of Disability,” is the second event in the new RISE campaign about how to “Re-imagine. Imagine. Suppose. Envision” a better place.

The move comes on the heels of widespread Internet outrage at the lack of disabled access to many campus buildings. Many on campus began to worry that the physical impositions imposed by buildings without ramps or elevators were stifling diverse enrollment at the U. of C.Vice President Coleman affirmed in her email message the University’s commitment to discussing diversity and inclusion. “We have addressed, and will continue to address, issues like handicap accessibility with all the oral resources available to us,” Coleman said, “but you’ll have to attend the open forum to find out how!”

The event is set for 10 p.m. , Friday, June 7th, in Rockefeller Tower. In addition to moderation by outgoing football coach Dick Maloney, the forum will have free copies of the latest investigative report on misconduct allegations against the UCPD, as well as Charles Lipson’s “Doing Honest Work in College.” There might be a live-stream available, but who really knows.