Chicago Shady Dealer

Professor Embarrassed Over Sudden Family Visit

By Adam Lowinger
Nov. 11, 2015

In an unexpected surprise, a Professor James.Richard Bunich of the Mathematics Ddepartment was recently visited by his parents. He was tTold on Wednesday that his parents would be arriving on Friday from Georgia,. In haste, Prof. Bunich had to shuffle his schedule within hasteso as to keep his parents entertained through the weekend.

“I love my Ma and Pa, but honestly I have enough work around here without having to take time to see them,” saidgriped the Professor as he typed anhis upcoming midterm.

Friday night consisted of Bunich’s parentsthem staying for their son’s office hours, which they made him keepoffice hours, which the professor had to keep. Second-year Paula Nelson, who went to the office hours, told the The Shady Dealer about the experience.

“They just kinda sat in the corner of the office and smiled at Professor Bunich while he explained the homework,” saidys NelsonPaula. “They seemed nice and all, but I could tell the professor was controlling his language and attitude around them. And I think I heard his mom say ‘Sson, you weren’t kidding about that Paula girl and her questions..

Prof. Bunich refused to speak on the validity of Ma’s comment. At the end of office hours, the family went to a Brazilian restaurantto the downtown area for dinner.

“It’s always nice to have dinner with my family because at least they pay for the meal,” said Bunich. Such an ultimatum proved to be in his favor, since dinner was hosted at a rather pricey steakhouse.

However, the meal turned sour when discussion turned to his future and career path..

“Pa is always subtlety saying I would have been better off going to med school so I could pay for dinner every now and then,” said Bunich. . Ma, on the other hand, just keeps bringing up girls in town because she wants grandkids.,recounted the pProfessor.

On Saturday, the family took a tour of Chicago. Bunich said he spent a good thirty minutes trying to explain that the Willis Tower and the Sears Tower are the same building.

“I should be grading papers now, but I am stuck with my parents,” said Bunich in regards to the tour. them. I can’t stand having lost all that time by being unproductive.,aidreported Bunich in regards to the trip.

Prof. Bunich’s Ma and Pa left on Sunday, cherishing the fact that they would see their soonson again over winter break.

“I love them, but they need to understand that I work at a college,””, said Prof. Bunich.and tI’mhat makes me an independent person.”