How are you wasting your New Year’s Eve?
By Daniel Moattar Jan. 3, 2013 How are YOU wasting your New Year’s Eve? 21% Reconciling day’s debauchery with resolutions, image of self as human being 17% Pretending to have any…
Excuse me, is this where I email to unsubscribe from your listhost?
By Nora Helfand Nov. 10, 2012 Hi. Im not sure if this is where I go to do this, but could you please take me off your listhost? Ive already taken measures in…
Arley D. Cathey buys naming rights to student
By Hannah Gitlin Oct. 21, 2012 Students at the University of Chicago were surprised when, on October 5th, University alumnus Arley D. Cathey, Ph.B ’50, acquired the naming rights to Eric Greene, a…
Campus Gargoyles Begin Winter Migration to Warmer Weather
By Nico Aldape Dec. 28, 2018 In a ritual as annual as Lollapalooza, other animals’ migrations, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, the University of Chicago’s gargoyles have begun their seasonal trip to hotter locales. Part…
Is He Flirting With You or Just Promoting an IOP Event?
By Emily Feigenbaum Dec. 5, 2018 Dating at UChicago can be difficult. Sometimes it’s not so clear whether that special person is demonstrating an interest in you or if he’s drumming up attention…
“So Do I Just Put It In?” First-Years Unsure How to Vote
It’s election season in the United States and millions of Americans are expected to hit the polls on November 6th. For many 18-year-old citizens, this will be the first election they can…
Dean Boyer Reads Plato’s Republic, Announces Plan to Exile All Creative Writing Majors
By Sam Stephenson Oct. 26, 2018 Dean Boyer, having recently read Plato’s Republic, announced that all Creative Writing majors would be exiled from University premises effective immediately. In an official statement justifying the…
Four Freakish Stress-Induced Bodily Phenomena You Will Experience at This School
By Ella Hester Sept. 24, 2018 Chronic “Gym Bro” Syndrome Some experts say that exercise is an incredibly efficient stress reliever. But they weren’t conducting their studies here in The Upside Down!…
SOSC Canvas Posts Too Intimate
By Warner Swatkins May 25, 2018 The trouble began when a number of students in Professor Bart Conroy’s third quarter of “Self, Culture, Society” expressed concerns that the readings concerning Dr. Sigmund Freud…