Oct. 17, 2017
Don’t catch feels this quarter! Autumn has officially arrived, which means it’s time for everyone to get their annual feels vaccine. The CDC estimates that on average, feels will causes, on average, approximately anywhere frombetween100,000 to 200,000 hospitalizations per year and up to , as well as and up toapproximately6,000 deathss per year. Anyone can catch feels, but vaccination significantly decreases your chances of infection. Plus, getting vaccinated also helps protect people around you who may be more vulnerable to feels, such as pregnant women and boys who are really into J. Cole. RRemember, feels are constantly evolvingchanging, so you still need a new vaccine this year even if you swear you got over Jessica last summer.
While you’re at it, make sure the rest of your vaccinations are also up to date so that you can avoid catching these hands, or someone’s eye, or 22.. Alt punchline: Also please remember not to mess with Chad unless you’re trying to catch thesehands.