April 5, 2016
Point: Help, I got “2100” on my STD test
By Danny Marcus
Excuse me,—does anyone know what it means to get a 2100 on an STD test? I’ve definitely heard of “positive” and “negative” results, but I don’t know what a number means by itself. I tried Googling “2100 STD” and “weird score 2100,” but nothing is coming up. I’d ask my doctor, but he’s out of town until next weekend, and I really need to know what’s up before my girlfriend gets suspicious. Is “2100” the number of rashes I have? The cost of medication? The year I will die? If you know what 2100 stands for in this context, please give me a call ASAP.
Counterpoint: Help, I got “Syphilis” on my SAT test
By Daniel Markus
Hi, I’m Dan, a 17-year-old high school student from Los Angeles who will be applying to college soon. I recently took the Standard Aptitude Test required by most college admissions departments and got “Syphilis” as my score. This outcome is very confusing and upsetting. I spent many hours studying and preparing for this exam, and made sure to get a good night’s sleep and eat a substantial breakfast beforehand. I really felt like I nailed the math and reading comprehension sections., Bbesides which, I’ve never had sexual intercourse. Taken altogetherherefore, I am unsure why I got “Syphilis” as my result. Moreover, when I try to type “Syphilis” into the SAT score section of the Common Application, the system gives me an error message and a condescending look. I’m truly not sure how to handle this situation. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to proceed.