May 13, 2016
Jen Karamchandny and Joe Gaddis have announced that they are discontinuing their relationship after a successful three season run.
Mutual friend and self-described producer of the relationship, Drew Cavettes, explained that the couple mutually agreed that they wanted to quit while they were still at a critical and commercial peak.ahead.
“Shit gets weird if these relationships go on too long,” CavettesDrew said in a statement issued on Ffacebook. “Sisters that you’ve never seen before are introduced, moms die, people lose their souls. Sure, it’s possible relationships can recover and pretend that season four never happened, but Jenny and Joe didn’t want to run the risk.”
Some friends arehave been less understanding of the couple’s decisions. GaddisJoe’s parents, in particular, have been hardcore shippers since season one. A kKickstarter campaign has been launched by fans to raise money for couples therapy sessions, with hope that Jenny and Joe’s relationship will be renewed. One of the pledge rewards is a tshirt with #sixseasonsandamarriage printed on it.
These efforts will likely come to nothing, as rumoours are currently circulatinge that Jenny will be picked up online by her ex-x,boyfriend Finn Todd.