Chicago Shady Dealer

I’m Interested in Going, Maybe: A How-To Guide on Actually Attending the Facebook Events You Say You’re Interested In

By Audrey Fromson
Nov. 11, 2018

It’s 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday. Do you know that about one million events are happening around the world and that you’ve said “interested” on Facebook to every single one?

Being flaky can be empowering, but playing hard-to-get with event hosts isn’t cool. Read this how-to guide to learn how you can actually start following through on your digital commitments.

1. Know Yourself

If you’ve said “interested” to 7:00 a.m. free yoga class for two weeks in a row but you know that before 9:00 a.m. you act like a Pilates instructor before she drinks her green juice, it might be time to reassess. I know the event is at a cool hotel in West Loop, but let’s be realistic.

2. Stay Organized

Google Calendar saved my life. Oxygen is neat, but nothing sustains me more than a color-coded, reminder-filled, holding-me-accountable digital planner. Plus, it’s paperless! We can stay on top of our events and end climate change! Awesome!

3. Go With a Friend

If walking into a Harper classroom where you don’t know anyone scares the fuck out of you (I am NOT projecting), recruit a friend. If they’re reluctant to check out the “Interior Designers for a More Just America Collective,” pay them with guest meal swipes or trick them into thinking that the IOP got Justin Trudeau to come again.  

4. The City is Your Classroom

Eager tour guides, shiny pamphlets, and your state’s UChicago rep have all said it. If you need a translation, it means: GTFO of Hyde Park, baby! There’s a rad author in town and she’s reading at a restored warehouse in Wicker Park? I know it’s a Tuesday and you’ve got a midterm next quarter that needs your attention yesterday, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! By the time you finally warm up to the idea of hitting up the Red Line on a weeknight beyond the Cermak stop, the warehouse will have become new residential lofts.

5. Find Social Currency Other Ways

Saying you’re “interested” in an intellectually-engaging event is the equivalent of reading New York Times headlines as your news intake. Ultimately, if all you know about the 61st Street Farmers Market is that it happens, you’re missing out on some really good baked goods.

Now click forth and see the world!