Feb. 5, 2017
CP: 21st Ammendment: Nooo, You’re Drunk!! Pshhhh. Me, dDrunk? I’m not drunk! You’re drunk! If I’m sooo drunk, then how come you’re the one spinning in circles? I’m the one whose sin tax brings money into this government, so I should be able to spend some time getting wasted on the weekend. Your mother just hates me because I’m Irish, admit it. Hehehe. Your nose looks funny right now. Can I touch it? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Sheeeeeesh, fine, be that way. Don’t look at me like that you big drunky drunkdrunk. If I’m the problem here, then why did you get repealed, huh? Gimme a second, I gotta pee.