Chicago Shady Dealer

An Open Letter to the Other Guy in this Revolving Door

By Walker King
Jan. 3, 2016

Hey buddy, how are you doing? In a revolving door, I see. And not just any revolving door. This revolving door, with me. Welcome.

You’ve probably already noticed a little about how I like to do things around these parts. I take it pretty slow. Whenever I’m in a revolving door I make sure to take in my surroundings, really soak up the ambience. You might want to try it. After all, it’s not like you’re going anywhere without me.

           See that’s one of the beautiful things about this revolving door: we’re both in it together. You don’t go anywhere unless I do, and I, likewise, am at your mercy. It’s kind of like the world in that way. We can’t go anywhere, as a species, unless we’re all together, pulling in the same direction. Yin and Yang, y’know. That’s just one of the realizations I’ve had here. Here in this revolving door.

           I think the reasons I have so many realizations (I like to call them “epiphanies”) in this revolving door is its calming, circular movement. I find it very womb-like. Sometimes I find myself drifting away, venturing across far off vistas in the hot-air balloon of my mind. Whoa, just lost myself there for a second! Oh yeah, I’m in a revolving door, with you.

            Looks like we’re almost out. Listen, I just want to say I’ve really enjoyed my time in this door with you. I know we haven’t spoken, in the common sense, but I feel like we’ve spoken, you feel me? And there you go, off into the cold, cold night, while I convalesce into the library. One person into the darkness, another into the light. Whoa, just had another epiphany there. Fare thee well, fellow traveler.