April 23, 2013
- Hopes
- Dreams
- Hearts
- Livers
- Everything on this list that is not also a sandwich
- Paninis
- The old USPS building
- Economic activity on 63rd Street
- Plans for a triple major
- Politically incorrect Facebook groups
- Yale wannabes
- Exposed calves
- Your foot in the door of Ex Libris after you’ve finally gotten up the courage to talk to that first year in your Gen Chem class
- Fear of establishments with bulletproof windows
- Fear of establishments without bullet-proof windows.
- The surrounding land
- Some napkin dispensers
- Your belief that you are an unambiguously moral, free-thinking, self-actualized human being
- Your Razor scooter into a heap of scrap metal by the force of winter rust
- _________________
- Your ability to concentrate for over 20 minutes on anything that is not a gif
- Your belief that there are only three meals in a day.
- Your trust in public transit and civic pride
- Your sanity