Marijuana Rescheduled
By Nico Aldape
April 20, 2016
“At 4:20 A.M, I’d be asleep, of course, and I can’t exactly be available at 4:20 PM cause that was when I wanted to watch an episode of Rick & Morty,” explained Ken. “I feel like every time I miss 4:20, even if I light up at 4:19 or 4:21, it decreases my stoner cred, and
Because Ken has many “seshes” scheduled “every hour, on the hour, on the daily, fam,” the change of plans brought on by his desire to watch
“If you don’t 420 at 4:20 on 4/20, like, did you even 420?” asked Ken philosophically. “Do the French call today ‘Quatre-Vignt’ because it represents 80 but means four and twenty
Additional reports from Shady Dealer informants suggest that the episode of Rick and Morty took longer than expected and that