Let’s Network Together
By Diane Zimmerman
April 22, 2016
I am an ambitious young professional, and I think I could learn a lot from networking with you. I want to show you that I am an attractive candidate and you’ll come to know that I always get the job done. I pay close attention to every detail, and I am great at multi-tasking. I’m not shy
I hope I’m not being too forward; some people have more conservative values with regard to networking. I consider myself networking-positive and never judge people based on their networking choices, so long as no one feels coerced. One of the best things about being in my twenties is all of the casual networking that I get to do.
Sometimes when I try to network with people they only want to give me a networking tip. I understand that tips are sensitive, but I need deeper penetration when it comes to networking. I am willing to put the “work” in network and keep going until everyone is satisfied. Just like a team, there is no “I” in network, and there is no room for selfishness when networking. I have developed great endurance for networking, and I don’t ever phone it in, unless you’re into that, in which case I give great phone. I hope we can network repeatedly and become more intimate partners. Visualize it – we’ll start with some gentle networking, really taking our time, and escalating ever so slowly, until the climax of the event, when we feel most connected.
Every so often, though, it can be good to network more quickly, when you can’t commit to a long time but feel the urge all the same, and I am more than willing to accommodate your needs. If we really don’t have much time, I can still wow you with my elevator pitch. Networking is a natural need we all have, and I would consider it a great privilege to do it with you.
In summary, I am prepared to rock your world with my extensive networking skills, and I know you could teach me even more.
Please also keep me in mind if you need to fill any positions; I think I would be a great fit for your company.