“A Confusing Day for the Truth” – Shady Dealer Bid to Purchase The Thinker Put on Hold
Previously, the Dealer, the only source of legitimate news in this hemisphere, had been declared the winner of an Eka House-sponsored auction to acquire the Thinker, its erstwhile competitor, beating out shadowy shell…
UChicago Student Devastated By “A” Grade
“The once-sacrosanct standards of academic rigor at this university have catastrophically declined. I made several trivial blunders while formulating my final essay, and yet I still received an exemplary grade in Power.”
UChicago Announces $200 Million “Free Expression+” Tier
Participants will be allowed to say racial —and non-racial—slurs, gain discounted access to frats, and receive exclusive entry extra SOSC classes as part of the Free Expression+ Core.
Shady Dealer Officially Broke; Turns to Shady Dealings
There have been reports of a copy editor selling solutions to MATH 15300 problem sets, an editor-in-chief selling amphetamines to underage students, and a deputy layout editor profiting from smuggling Russian gas into…
Op-Ed | Deep State Responsible for Broken Crerar Sensors and Not Me
The Deep State agenda, which takes specific interest in UChicago (why do you think UCPD is so big?), is trying to silence me from accessing Crerar.
BREAKING: Jill Stein Wins
In a startling upset, The Chicago Shady Dealer has called the 2024 Presidential Election for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.
UChiVotes Ambassadors Beg Anyone, “Literally Anyone,” to Register to Vote
Recent tactics to encourage voting from UChiVotes include cornering first-year students until they check their voting location, borrowing UCPD riot gear to force people into the Reynolds Club during early voting, and switching…
Trump Pledges Political Foes Will Only Be “Lightly Tortured” in Second Term
“So we’re going to torture people a little, really it’s not so bad, waterboarding or cigarettes or with the electrodes, things of that nature, you have–who do you have–Sleepy Joe, remember him? Lightly…
South to Install New “Vibe-Based” Fire Alarms
After two recent false alarms, Renee Granville-Grossman Residential Commons will be replacing all current motion-based fire alarms with new “vibe-based” models.
UChicago to Pay All Employees in Maroon Dollars
In an attempt to reduce costs, the University of Chicago has taken a page from George Pullman’s book and will pay all faculty in Maroon dollars.