Common Proto-Indo-European Phrases to Learn Before Your Trip to Proto-Indo-Europe
Proto-Indo-Europe is a fantastic vacation destination for the linguistically curious, spanning the region from South Asia to Western Europe. To make your trip more smooth and enjoyable, it’s a good idea to be able to have a basic conversation with the locals. Here are some common phrases to get you started:
This one means “hello.” Not to be confused with “Prék,” which means “you fucking asshole. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Please throw heavy objects at me.”
Used to refer to oneself. Be careful! This word is in the nominative tense. You should also try to learn the accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, ablative, and locative tenses to avoid any misunderstandings.
A simple “yes.” Can mean “no” in certain proto-germanic, proto-celtic, and proto-balto-slavic dialects.
This directly translates to “I enjoy eating birdshit.” We’re pretty sure some humans can physically pronounce this word.
“Can you point me to the nearest watering hole, my good sir?” Good luck with that one.