Call Him Forrest Gump: Second Year Lands Dream Internship Working on a Super Prestigious Shrimping Boat
Trying not to appear too smug, area second year Bob Johnson just couldn’t help posting on Linkedin that he would not be able to call or text anyone starting in early July. This is because Johnson received his dream internship on a “totally prestigious” shrimping boat in Alaska. “I’ve been thinking of going into the fishery business for a long time…well, since I got an A- in SOSC last quarter”, Now, three weeks later, Johnson has his choice of multiple prestigious shrimping boat offers. It was only when he received an offer from the Lady Delilah, a high-catching boat in the beautiful town of Crab Neck, Virginia, that he felt confident in his ability to make a decision.
Johnson spoke passionately about the opportunities presented in the shrimp boat industry that will allow him to make ample use of his Slavic Studies major, Biology minor. “I’m not gonna be like, studying shrimp or anything. I’ll just be catching them. But I’ll be around them, you know? So I think it’ll definitely help with, like, the biology component, at least.” He also described many friends who “have trouble hiding their envy” because they couldn’t find internships in their desired fields and had to resort to working in “things like marketing”. He anticipates a shrinking of his social circle due to this envy, but he says that he’ll simply have to “get over it because shrimping is more important.”
When asked if he’d ever had any doubts about his chosen field since first looking into it in his first year, Johnson said he had briefly considered working on a freight train or moving to Japan and “seeing what happens,” but ultimately decided that the sea is his “greatest, deepest, passion… as of three weeks ago.”