Squid Game Review
I’ve been hearing more and more about the show Squid Game, and I must say, I am shocked and appalled that this show is allowed to be on the air, and alarmed by its growing popularity. While I have not seen it, I understand that it is a reality television show in which the participants have to kill or be killed, not unlike The Hunger Games. This is disturbing and unconscionable. Murder is wrong, but murder for entertainment value is truly disgusting. I call on the South Korean government to stop allowing the show to be filmed in their country. How many more must die for the sake of ratings? Beyond that, I call Netflix to immediately cease producing and distributing Squid Game. It is reprehensible that an American company is profiting off the murders of innocent South Koreans. Moreover, I worry about what our children will emulate. Love Island was bad enough — our generation is now beset by a plague of kids with orange skin, bleached-blonde hair, cigarette addiction, and names like “Gemma.” But at least they’re not straight-up murdering each other, which is a threat that may face us when this show becomes popular with the youth. There is a precedent for this. When Korean Pop music, or ‘K-Pop,’ became popular in this country, teenagers began imitating and adapting not only their favorite artists’ musical styles, but their mannerisms and actions as well. How many American children have claimed to speak Korean, despite not having the most rudimentary grasp of Hangul? Just imagine if these vaunted artists were murdering their peers. What would our kids do then? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to find out. Every day, more and more people die in the most irredeemable game show since Moment of Truth. Netflix and South Korea need to do the right thing and take it off the air, because I do not trust the American people to simply not watch it. After all, this is the nation that has pioneered the genre of grotesque medical shows, from Dr. Pimple Popper to the literally tens of shows in which you, simply to pass time, watch as individuals knowingly consume lethal quantities of food because they cannot, physically or psychologically, refrain themselves (ex: My 600-lb Life). But while the American public may want bread and circuses, or even the simple joy of televised gladiatorial combat, we would be remiss to give it to them. Instead of exploiting our worst impulses, we have to learn to be better as a nation. And the first step towards this is cancelling Squid Game. People are literally dying.