35 Ways to Spend Your Extra Daylight Savings Hour This Weekend:
- Bungee jumping
- Having sex
- Having more sex
- Having even more sex because you really don’t take that long to have sex
- Calling your mother and apologizing for everything
- Finally visiting the Art Institute
- Touring Evanston to feel slightly better about your decision to come here
- PLEIN AIR, finally finishing the long-overdue HUM paper you had all those ideas for when you started (applies to all years)
- Breathing because you forget how you breathe all the time and it’s amazing
- Mountain biking
- Going camping for one complete hour
- Apologizing to your mother again
- Going on a date with a real human being who is real, definitely, and totally human
- Starting books you likely will never finish
- Going for a walk with friends
- Exploring all Alaska has to offer,
- Seeing a doctor — like literally just seeing anyone who happens to be a doctor — just so you can say “today I saw a doctor” before you apologize to your mother again
- Not feeling guilty and bad about things
- Feeling guilty and bad about things
- Visiting the graves of people you know
- Hanging out with friends you love but never see and enjoying time together… oh wait, fuck, daylight savings is the other way around this time.
Fuck, I’m so fucked. I’m so fucked, I’m so so fucked.