Chicago Shady Dealer

Student Bouncing Leg Up and Down Shows No Sign of Stopping

By Nik Varley
April 23, 2016

SourcesStudents in Professor Pierce Jackson’s SOSC 113 class informed confirmed that fellow studenttThe Dealer that student Graham Larson began bouncing his right leg up and down at approximately 10:34 AM and has since showed no sign of stopping. Seated at the table, Larson created an audible, rhythmic, tapping noise as his kneecap repeatedly collided with the table’s underside of the table.. Larson’s classmates confirmed that vibrations from his bouncing leg were felt by students several feet away from Larson’s seat.

“Yeah, he’s just sitting over there bouncing his fucking leg up and down,” said student Sarah Grossman, who felt the vibrations several feet away from Larson’s bouncing leg. “I don’t really know what he’s getting out of it, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we wish he would stop.”

Several classmates echoed Grossman’s sentiments, describing Larson’s rapid leg movements as “distracting”, “inconsiderate” and “pretty god damn annoying, if I’m being honest”. Even the Professor Jackson was seen clearly rolling his eyes as both the volume of frequency of Larson’s taps increased as the lecture wore on.

“He knows that we can hear this shit, right?” said an exasperated Jackson. “I mean, Jesus, he sounds like a god damn jackhammer. What the fuck is he thinking? After haggardly rubbing his brow, Jackson added, “I just don’t know how much more of this god damn shit I can take.”

Despite the nearly universal negative reaction to the leg bouncing, Larson has done nothing to indicateindicating that he intends to stop bouncing his leg up and down. Although classmates have rolled their eyes, given him repeated dirty looks, and even gone so far as to nudge him in thehis other leg, he has continued to bounce his legit ceaselessly.

When asked about the leg bouncing situation, Larson announced that he had no plans to stop the bouncing, but he did indicate state that he was considering switching to his left leg. When asked why he was bouncing his leg, he told Larson said, tThe Dealer “I don’t know. I guess I just started doing it, I guess.”

At press time, Larson was still bouncing his leg up and down like ana fucking god damn imbecile.