I Have Never Seen a Horse
By Jake Frisch
Nov. 11, 2012
Its not like I dont know what they are, Im not an idiot. Ive just never seen a horse. No, not even a picture. People keep saying, We have to take you out one day to see a horse, but they never do. Ive just been cruising along not knowing what a horse looks like. Its not like its a big deal or anything. It hasnt really impacted my life at all. Its just that, well, it would probably be nice to see a horse someday. They seem like pretty chill animals.
You can ride them, apparently, which might be a pretty cool thing to do. Im not sure how fast they go, though. They probably go really, super fast. That would be my guess. I think I watched part of a movie about a horse once, but my apartment lost power just as they were about to introduce the character, so I never got to see it. I even went to see the play War Horse, but I sat behind this really fat guy who was so big that I couldnt even see the stage for the entire play.
People try to describe horses to me. They say, Its kind of like a cow. But skinnier. And its brown instead of white and black. And it doesnt have horns or anything, just a regular head. But I never make it far enough to picture a horse. I always get caught up in what a skinny cow would look like. I bet itd be pretty funny. I bet a skinny cow would be a funny thing to see.
Once I Googled What does a horse look like is it like a skinny cow? but the search only comes up with a website entitled 99 Golden Facts About Urine, which, after reading it, did not have any pictures of horses. I did, however, learn a lot about pee and stuff.
One day Ill see a horse, Im sure of it. I dont think many people have gone their whole lives without seeing horses, unless they were like Eskimos or something. I wonder if Eskimos have seen horses. Probably not in real life, but definitely in Eskimo newspapers. There are probably a lot of horses in Eskimo newspapers.
But yeah, Ive never actually seen a horse. If you have any pictures, though, Id be happy if you just sent them over. You can email me them at [email protected]gmail.com and Ill probably take a look.