Nov. 11, 2015
Following a string of reports from students and other University of Chicago community members claiming to have witnessed the event firsthand, college the Dean of the College, John W. Boyer, held a press conference this past Friday to confirm that he had, in fact, been recently banned from the online role-playing game “Club Penguin.”
Boyer, who had been an active member of the University’s Club Penguin Community of the University for the past nine years, apologized for the online misconduct which had led to his debarment from the community. While most of the details of the events that took place online were left ambiguous, multiple eyewitness reports from the incident confirmed that Boyer, operating under his usual online moniker “CchefB_boyeyerD_d,” was seen near the seats on the left in the Dance Club when he typed the phrase “more like dean fuccboyer, am i right?” to the public chat, shortly before disappearing from the server.
When asked why he had said a bad word, Boyer responded by saying thatwith, “I spelled it with two c’s. My cousin told me you couldn’t get banned if you used two c’s. He’s a jerk though, he probably knew I wyou could. Danny’s always getting me in trouble. I hate him.”
While the controversy over whether or not Boyer’s ban was justified rages on, his image with the community has undoubtedly taken a hit, arguably one greater than that of the pumpkin incident last month, as the University Club Penguin RSO has officially uninvited him from their bi-weekly meetings. Compounding matters, his position as Dean of the College ius currently up for scheduled review.
When asked if he has plans to step down as Dean of tThe College, Boyer responded, with “How could they do this to me? I was a member. I’ve been playing since 2006. I remember when Disney bought it, for Christ’s sake. This is horseshit.”