United States Agree to Amicable Separation, Splits into Seven New Countries
By Willamina Groething Nov. 15, 2016 The United States of America confirmed this week that they have separated into seven distinct sovereign nationsstates. The countriey’s‘ media representative told the Shady Dealer that the…
10 Reasons to Have Sex with Everyone in Your House
By Marlin Figgins Nov. 12, 2016 1. Sex 2. Networking 3. They said college was for experimenting 4. Reduced travel time between hookups 5. Everyone will know your name 6. More sex 7.…
Five Fun, Unique Places to Throw Up in Your Residence Hall
By Nik Varley Oct. 14, 2016 When you’re meeting people ina college, it’s important to make a splash. O-Wweek is a time to show people who you really are, and establish yourself as…
Climate Study Finds Place With Highest Temperature Extremes Hot Pocket in Lab Microwave
By Nico Aldape Oct. 10, 2016 After reaching the scientific conclusion that “this doesn’t look anything like the one on the box,” a University of Chicago Department of Geophysical Sciences study has found…
12 Apostles Ranked According to Attractiveness
By Liam Coles May 13, 2016 12) Thomas: People like men with conviction. 11) Matthew: Taxes suck. 10) James: Not even mentioned in John’s Gospel. 9) Phillip: Cute but not even miraculous. 8)…
Area Student Fantasizes About Mean Course Evaluation
By Morgan Pantuck May 30, 2016 According to those familiar with the situation, area student Margaret Ennis has been experiencing a highly erotic fantasy wherein she writes a mean course evaluation for her…
My Liberal Arts Education Has Been Incredibly Useful
By Katie Zellner May 13, 2016 Since the dawn of man, there has been debate about the value of a liberal arts education, and, as a UChicago aAlumnaus, I just want to say…
10 Other Places The African Civ Study Abroad Program Could Be Based
By Chase Harrison April 25, 2016 On April 26, the Chicago Maroon reported that beginning in Winter 2018, the University will offer an African Civilizations program in Dakar, Senegal. At the April 15th…
P/CP: Help! I got a “2100” on my STD
By Danny Marcus and Daniel Markus April 5, 2016 Point: Help, I got “2100” on my STD test By Danny Marcus Excuse me,—does anyone know what it means to get a 2100 on…
Frat Charges Guys $5 at Door to Correct for Income Inequality
By Chase Harrison Feb. 18, 2016 Like most fraternities on campus, PsiU’s Friday night party “90’s” themed party forced guys to pay $5 at the door, while girls got in for free. Howeverver,…