
The 2020 Election Explained in Three Charts

Following our colleagues in other largely data-science based news organizations, we’ve conducted a variety of mathematical examinations and statistical quandaries in analysis of the recent elections. Due to some technical difficulties, we were unable to utilize our typical analysis programs. However, our intern Brian assures us he can do the same things in Google Sheets. So we’ll see how this goes.

In the midst of a pandemic, the political landscape has changed a lot since even the last year. And gearing up to the election, it’s certainly informative to look at the percentage of Republicans who’ve maintained their faith in Trump over the past year.

Ok, uhh, Brian, that’s just a bar. Like first off, we’d need at least two. We’re comparing things Brian. But also there’s no labels or scale? No, you know what it’s okay. You’re new. You’re learning. You’ll get them next time, tiger. Let’s just move on.

The country has also been polarized by the protests going on this summer. At a time where race is at the forefront of the national discussion, it’s crucial to look at the breakdown of what percentages of the races are voting where. Our intern Brian has prepared an infographic that should prove edifying, with numbers this time.


Okay Brian. That’s just a number. Like there’s nothing else with that. What’s that supposed to mean? Oh. Hey wait, no. Don’t cry, Brian. It’s okay. Don’t worry. We’ll give you another chance. This one’s really easy.

We conducted a recent poll nationwide about people’s voting preferences. We’ve organized it into this helpful pie chart.

Oh you fucking b-